Live and Lead For Impact Podcast with Kirsten E Ross

EP 169 Mike Swigunski – Work and Travel With Ease


Mike Swigunski is a #1 bestselling author of Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel Forever. He is a remote job and travel expert that has helped build multiple six, seven, and even eight-figure online businesses while traveling around the world to more than 85+ countries! 



Learn the Delegation Strategies I’ve shared with THOUSANDS and get your team to do what you need! Grab a copy of my EBook, The Six Simple Steps to Great Delegation


Kirsten Ross Vogel is an author, podcast host and CEO of Focus Forward Coaching where we help leaders 


  • defeat team drama 
  • to 4X productivity, 
  • wow their customers 
  • and improve their bottom line 
  • with simple, actionable strategies, systems, communication hacks and mindset shifts.


Ready for some individualized help for your leadership challenges?  Grab a spot on my calendar and let’s discuss how I can help you transform your leadership and your team.


EP 168 3 Keys to More Productive Meetings

EP 168 3 Keys to More Productive Meetings


Excited – 

Who here hates meetings?



Help you feel confident and empowered as a leader


My name is Kirsten Ross Vogel, author, HR Pro and CEO of Focus Forward Coaching where we help leaders who want to make a bigger, bolder impact

  • defeat team drama 
  • 4X productivity, 
  •  And improve their bottom line 
  • with simple, actionable strategies, systems and mindset shifts.


Common Meeting Frustrations

  • People Not Attending or Not Prepared
  • Feeling Like You are Wasting Time
  • Unclear Objective ~ Why Am I Here?
  • Including Unnecessary People in the Meeting – HIGH JACK MTG, IRRELEVANT OR NOT FACT BASED OPINIONS
  • Dealing with Power Struggles and Undefined Roles
  • Texting/Emailing During Meetings!
  • Sidebar Conversations – OR BACKHALL AFTER THE FACT
  • No Follow Through / No Progress





  • The Meeting Must have at Least 1 Goal
  • A Real Goal – sharing info, discussing, deciding, sharing ideas? –quick updates among team members or departments Not just someone said we should have meetings



  • A Meeting Must have the Key Players – if you need to make decisions but decision makers aren’t available – don’t have the meeting



  • A Series of Meetings Must Create Progress
  • Real Progress – if you decide in the meeting assign next steps – what will happen before the next meeting and who is accountable



Struggling with a Team or Family Business Challenge?  Grab a spot on my calendar.  You’ll get a Business Breakthrough in 15 minutes and we’ll talk next steps.


Ep 167 Tara Murphy: Providing Hope and Resources to Struggling Parents

Tara is the mother of 2 children with autism and founder of the Parenting Frontier, a non-attorney advocacy which specializes in appropriate education for special education students. 


Her legal struggle for her children provides hope and inspiration to many. Despite what others think Tara stands up for what she believes in.  


Learn the Delegation Strategies I’ve shared with THOUSANDS and get your team to do what you need! Grab a copy of my EBook, The Six Simple Steps to Great Delegation


Kirsten Ross Vogel is an author, podcast host and CEO of Focus Forward Coaching where we help leaders 


  • defeat team drama 
  • to 4X productivity, 
  • wow their customers 
  • and improve their bottom line 
  • with simple, actionable strategies, systems, communication hacks and mindset shifts.

Ready for some individualized help for your leadership challenges?  Grab a spot on my calendar and let’s discuss how I can help you transform your leadership and your team.

EP 155 Susie Reynolds Reece: Spreading Knowledge and Awareness About Suicide

EP 155 Susie Reynolds Reece

Susie is the founder and executive director of Suicide Prevention Allies a non profit that formed from community grass roots efforts geared at preventing suicide. Reece is no stranger to the desperate need for suicide prevention. Having dealt with major depression stemming from multiple traumas suffered during her early childhood. She shares her story of childhood trauma and losses to inspire others to speak about our most difficult human issues

Reece is a proud southern fried Asian A.K.A. Korean Arkansan style, published author, national speaker, and mental health advocate. As well as a seasoned suicide prevention strategist and consultant.

Learn the Delegation Strategies I’ve shared with THOUSANDS and get your team to do what you need! Grab a copy of my EBook, The Six Simple Steps to Great Delegation


Kirsten Ross Vogel is an author, podcast host and CEO of Focus Forward Coaching where we help leaders


  • defeat team drama
  • to 4X productivity,
  • wow their customers
  • and improve their bottom line
  • with simple, actionable strategies, systems, communication hacks and mindset shifts.

EP 152 Life Lessons from My Random, Radical Tree

Episode 152


Life Lessons from My Random, Radical Tree 


Recently, I was gazing into my backyard and noticed this large tree that has grown through a decorative garden barrel. And as I looked out at it it brings to mind some life lessons. You see, I remember when that tree was very small. It grew from the seeds of a nearby tree. The first few summers I would think, “I need to pull that out of there. Then as it grew, “I need to get the shears and cut that out of there.” The thing is….I never did either. And NOW…it’s this big full grown tree that would require a chain saw to take it down.



My first thought…..”Oh my gosh I’m getting old! You have to be to see a tree grow like that!



Then I think…WOW does time fly!



But then the life lesson hits: How often do we intend to use that simple solution to take care of an issue but then put it off too long while the problem becomes bigger?



Yep….that’s what I’ve done. And I guarantee there were other issues I intended to address but didn’t. Lesson today….Don’t put off what you can simply solve. At some point, time may create an emergency that will require your focus at an inconvenient time.



BUT…..then a second thought hit me and I was grateful for that tree.  You see, I believe that I actually chose well.  My kids got my time when we were in our backyard.  We played in the pool, talked, laughed and enjoyed.  Yes, I didn’t keep up with the gardening back there but man did we make some great memories!


Yes, time does march on. Be intentional about how you use it. Trees grow and so do your kids! 




Learn the Delegation Strategies I’ve shared with THOUSANDS and get your team to do what you need! Grab a copy of my EBook, The Six Simple Steps to Great Delegation


Kirsten Ross Vogel is an author, podcast host and CEO of Focus Forward Coaching where we help leaders 


  • defeat team drama 
  • to 4X productivity, 
  • wow their customers 
  • and improve their bottom line 
  • with simple, actionable strategies, systems, communication hacks and mindset shifts.

EP 120: Build Trust in Relationships for Impact – Drama has no place in a life built for impact

Build Trust in Relationships for Impact

Drama has no place in a life built for impact


Do you have some lingering relationships ….that can be challenging …tear you down….cause grief…..have baggage…..long histories…

……these relationships can and DO zap our energy, steal our joy, drum up false beliefs about ourselves, and sometimes even stand in the way of achieving our dreams.

Yes, addressing relationship stuff can feel overwhelming, but often remedies are simpler than you’d think if you know how to define the right fix. That’s why I’ve designed the Relationship Renovation Roadmap  I can’t wait to show you how!

Go to to check it out!

If you’ve been listening to this podcast you already know that I spend a lot of time helping people overcome their drama in relationships.  It has no place in a life built for impact.

Often drama between people boils down to a lack of trust. You can have little or no trust for someone based on your experience with them; they’ve proven with their words or actions that they should not be trusted. Or you can lack trust because you don’t know them.

Either way, when we don’t trust someone we are more apt to assume the worst or assign mal-intent to their actions.

Of course, a history of bad behavior warrants less trust. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. In businesses and nonprofit endeavors, however, I often find that lack of trust comes from a lack of knowing. Sometimes leaders don’t give their employees or volunteers time to connect.   And this creates negative assumptions and drama!

Over the years I’ve had a unique perspective into so many relationships and can say with certainty that often these assumptions are not accurate. I would even hazard to say that rarely are the assumptions driving these negative relationships true.

When communication and connection happen, trust can build quickly. Assumptions are replaced with facts and relationships are transformed.

I worked with a group of 4 people who knew little of each other personally but had to deal with each other often to complete their work. The company called me in because the poor relationships were decreasing productivity.

I spent exactly one and a half hours with them and in that time they had many aha moments. “Oh, when you were asking me that I thought you were trying to pass your work on to me!”

“No, I’ve already tried 4 different times to get the numbers right by the time I’m asking you to clarify some things.”

“I thought you were just coming in early so that you could leave early and find things to complain about.”

“No, with the work changes I now have to come in early to get everything set up and do the inventory. I’d actually prefer not to start so early!”

On and on it went.   Gaps in fact filled in with negative presumptions quickly overcome with truth.

Each had painted a picture of the other like a paint by number gone wrong. The little assumptions all added to a perception of co-workers trying to avoid work, get each other in trouble and wreak havoc. Recent changes in roles and workflow had put them all together feeling uncertain and wary.

They needed to work together but had had no opportunity to build trust.

I am very visual so I almost always end up describing concepts with physical items.

I started using the term Trust Bucket to describe the level of trust we have with others. It’s just a nice visual.

So, an empty trust bucket means little trust.

A full trust bucket is like a full bank account of trust.

A full trust bucket and we are assuming the best of each other. If my co-worker of 10 years is late and I have assigned a full trust bucket to her I will assume she got held up. An empty trust bucket and I’m assuming the worst. “He doesn’t value my time or is disrespecting me.”

I find that people assign empty or full trust buckets to new people in different ways.

Some people tend to start new relationships with a full trust bucket.   “I will trust you unless you give me good cause not to.” At that point, they will have an empty trust bucket.

Others are more cautious and begin relationships with an empty trust bucket. “I need to see who you are first. Prove that you deserve my trust. You have to earn it. Then I will fill the trust bucket.”

If your impact requires a team of employees or volunteers it is so important to bring them together so they have an opportunity to know each other as people and fill those trust buckets!

Drama happens when trust buckets are low. As I often say, in the absence of fact, for some reason humans fill in the blanks with negative assumptions. A process falls apart and the first instinct is for employees to blame co-workers they don’t trust, “they’re just trying to make my job harder!”

Bring teams together and give them the chance to know one another and trust will develop. They will assume the best of each other instead.

So, a few thoughts and action items for you today.

  1. How full are your trust buckets with people? Do you start with a full bucket and empty with negative experiences or do you start empty and make them work their way to trust?
  2. Are there people in your life or work with empty trust buckets? Are you reaching conclusions about them out of assumption rather than fact? Are your beliefs accurate?  How can you get to know them to learn their true character?

If you are a leader, where do team members have empty trust buckets? How can you bring them together to meet, connect and build trust?

Go to to view the Relationship Renovation Roadmap Today!